Is She Jealous?

About jealousy and
how the Filipina mind works.
Now, there’s a lot of Filipina’s that are jealous in the extreme. I don’t recommend that you attach yourself to this form of cat; they can be more troublesome than a "Freddy" nightmare and cause you endless headaches and problems.
It’s difficult to know in advance whether your Honey Ko is going to be a violent hot-head. If you find yourself involved with this type of overly-jealous woman, I recommend that you put a stop to it as soon as you make the realization . That kind of jealousy works to Honey Ko’s advantage, as she will, in effect, be controlling you, what you do, where you go, who you talk to, and so forth. If you know and choose to live with Honey Ko anyway, shame on you. You deserve what you're willing to accept.
If she tries to use anger and jealousy against you, you should respond by being a strict disciplinarian and train your wife to obey you instead of repeating the sins of your own previous training of servitude by Western women. I can state without reservation that you will regret allowing Honey Ko to express her jealousy and rage to you in private and, worse, in front of others in public.
You are either a leader or a follower. There’s no in-between.
One way you might learn about her level of anger and jealousy before you commit to living with your Honey Ko is to go out in public, like going ‘malling.’ You can let your eyes rove and make eye contact with other Filipina’s. This will happen anyway, as many Filipina’s will be ‘eyeing’ you. If you let your eye linger, your Honey Ko will most assuredly notice, just as she’ll notice the looks and smiles other Filipina’s give you.
If Honey Ko goes into a rage with you or attacks the Filipina that is smiling or just looking at you - or if she's attacked even though she's unaware you were looking at her - you should run, don’t walk, away from Honey Ko as quickly as you can. You don’t owe her anything (yet) and, again, she won’t be the only one who wants you.
In the west you may have to go begging for dates - you may even be turned down and be humiliated every single time - but in the Philippines you will have as many dates as you want or can handle. In the Philippines, you are an object of great desire. Once you truly understand that, and once you experience the culture of Filipina submission, you will never, ever want to be with an Americunt again.
Many Filipina’s would steal you away from Honey Ko in a New York minute if they could, and so a smile and letting her eye linger with yours is a good way of letting you know that she’s receptive to you. You should know by now that, in the Philippines you will be or are a highly valued commodity and you can have your choice of thousands of Filipina’s. So, sticking with the first Filipina you meet, and especially a jealous and angry one, is not only un-necessary, it's just plain crazy.
Having written that, here’s what happened to Celine two weeks ago:
Celine came home with a great story to tell me about her trip to the pelengke (open market) in San Jose barangay ( a sort of neighborhood or district) where she went to see her sister off. The bus terminal's also there. Going around alone isn’t often done. Being with or having a companion is a standard practice in the Philippines, so it’s natural that Celine would take her sister, Rebecca, to the terminal. Rebecca had to buy vegetables before she caught the bus, and Celine wanted to get some mangos.
While Celine was picking out mangos, an American man who always ogles Celine whenever he sees her in town, approached to talk to her. His opening line was to ask her if I was an American or a German. She had noticed him a number of times in the super-market, because her attention was captured when she heard the man’s wife always yelling at him when she'd catch him staring at Celine. At times, when he felt he was not being observed by me or his wife, the man would smile and even wink at Celine. He’s had a long-term hard-on for her. Sometimes the wife would approach Celine and demand that she stop flirting with her husband. Celine finds the mans personally repulsive and has told the wife so. But the wife just doesn’t listen; she’s too intent on feeding her jealousy.
Lots of men stare at Celine as she has one of the finest body shapes in all of Puerto; men are always staring at her, and she's always being approached by foreign men. In the last four weeks, Celine has been approached by five different American men offering her houses and cars and money if she would just become their woman, even though they know she’s with me. They don’t care. She only slaps them and tells them she’s married.
This time, however, the man actually talked to Celine while his wife had her back turned and was a few yards away, occupied with buying vegetables and fruits. Suddenly the woman appeared in front of Celine and viciously stomped her 3-inch high-heel onto Celine's toe. Celine reacted without thinking and forcefully shoved that woman hard with both hands. The wife fell backward and landed against the mango stall, which collapsed and spilled all of the mangos onto the ground. The woman was lying on the ground and Celine jumped on her, straddled the woman and clamped her own legs around the woman's legs to keep her from kicking. Then Celine grabbed two handfuls of the woman's hair and began smashing her head onto the ground, letting go with one hand occasionally to slap the woman's face. Celine even grabbed a smashed mango and was rubbing the woman's face with it.
The woman was screaming and blood was running from wounds on her head from Celine’s pounding it against the rocks on the ground. The husband took hold of Celine by her shoulders and tried to pull her off of his wife, but the woman screamed at him to "stop moving!" because every time he pulled, Celine just pulled the woman's hair all the harder. Celine turned her head and bit the man hard on his forearm, turned back and bit the woman on her shoulder.
The woman's sister saw what was happening and went to her sister's rescue. She ran over, knelt down and grabbed Celine by the hair. Celine, while pulling the wife’s hair, and biting the husband, pulled off her 2-inch heeled sandal and began beating the sister on the head and neck with it. All the worse for that sister, the rubber pad that covered the bottom of the heel came off and there was a small nail sticking out of it. Celine was beating that sister with that nail and blood was flying everywhere. Apparently Celine punctured the woman's aorta on her neck and blood was gushing out from the wound.
Eventually, two policemen ran up and pulled the man off of Celine, then the sister off of Celine, then Celine off of the wife. Celine jumped up, put her sandal back on then stomped her heel, with the nail protruding, hard onto the wife's toes. Then she turned and kicked the husband in the knee, While he was bent over, Celine slapped him hard on the face before the policeman could stop her. It turned out that the man's knee was already damaged from an earlier injury, and Celine really hurt him rather badly.
When it was over, the man, his wife and her sister all needed to go to the hospital to be treated. Both women were bleeding from head and neck injuries, and the man could barely walk.
And Celine? She didn't have a scratch on her, but her head was a little sore from having her hair pulled. One elbow and one knee was a little sore, but I couldn't see even redness on either. All I could find was some minor scratches on Celine's neck.
The police asked whose fault it was, and the wife said it was Celine's fault for flirting with her husband. But the stall owner and other witnesses said the husband approached Celine and that she acted as if she didn't want that man to bother her (which she didn't, and even refused to shake his hand). They all pointed to the wife as the attacker.
The police asked Celine if she wanted to press charges (make a case, in local parlance) against the trio. Celine declined, but requested that the police officially record the attack and give the trio a warning to leave her alone in future. If the woman ever bothers Celine again, she'll have her arrested.
The mango seller, on the other hand, was really pissed-off and not only wanted to be paid for her stall being broken and the loss of about one large basket of
mango's, but she wanted to 'make a case' against them.
The wife refused to pay when she was told the seller wanted P2500K (about $50) for the damage. So the police hauled-off husband, wife and sister to the police station to be charged by the accompanying stall-owner’s sister. The husband was really angry with his wife, as Celine overheard him say to his wife, "Look what you've done, you stupid woman. You know I'm having money troubles right now, and now I have to pay for all of this damage and the hospital bills, as well!"
He admitted to the police that the fault was his wife's, adding that she's an extremely jealous woman. He said she's even jealous of her sister when he talks to her. In my opinion, the fault is entirely his, however. He should slap the crap out of his wife - as per local culture - and make her behave. But apparently he's more of a woman (a girlie-girl, as the “Governator,” Arnold Swartzenegger, would say) than his wife, and lets his wife wear the pants in the family. If he's going to be a woman, he should stop looking at and flirting with Celine, and other's if there are others he does look at.
The by now large crowd was exclaiming about Celine: "Did you see what that skinny woman did to those three people? She has no muscles and she's so skinny, yet she beat all three of them and made them bleed. She's as strong as a horse! Rebecca, Celine's 15-year-old sister, who didn't help Celine because she's 5-months pregnant, told Celine that it looked like Celine had ten hands, all flying at once, and she was amazed to see Celine ripping the wife's hair while beating her head into the ground, biting the husband and beating the sister on the head with her sandal all at the same time. Laughing, Rebecca, told Celine, "That woman's face was completely yellow from you rubbing her face with that mango. It's lucky for her that you didn't push that big seed down her throat! How did you do all of that?" Celine couldn't explain because she didn't remember doing any of it.
I was aware of that man’s appreciation of Celine, as she’s pointed him out to me a few times at NCCC, the local (laff-laff) supermarket. I’ve heard his wife screaming at him, ridiculing and embarrassing him in public. He was always completely cowed by his wife. I didn’t go yell at him or threaten him for looking at Celine. One: he’s got good taste if he’s looking at Celine. What man wouldn’t? Two: he gets more than enough punishment already from his domineering wife. His wife had approached Celine and threatened her two times before when she noticed her husband ogling Celine. Celine was unaware that he had been looking at her.
He’s not the only one who looks at Celine. If I wanted to waste my time being jealous and start fights with all of the men who look at Celine, I’d have to make it a full-time occupation. I know I have nothing to worry about; Celine is strictly a one-man-woman, and she’s not interested in those men’s offers of cars and jewelry, etc. Material things just don’t interest her. She only wants a strong man who will be strict with her and love her. Lucky me.
This situation has occured at least six times before, that I’m aware of, by other women. Men are always looking at and admiring Celine. But here’s the very strange cultural kicker. The women almost never get angry with their husbands, but focus their rage on the other woman (Celine) – the opposite of Western women’s attitude. It doesn’t matter, as in the case of Celine, that it’s the man whose eyes are straying and roving up and down Celine’s body. It’s always the other woman’s fault, and an attack and fight can break-out with unannounced swiftness.
So, give some thought to that hot little Filipina you are with, and watch her carefully. Pay attention to her behavior. Make time and effort to ascertain whether she wants to be subservient and obedient to you, or whether she prefers instead to control you. Freely and easily expressed private or public anger and jealousy is an excellent indicator of her true nature.
And, most importantly, don’t be in a hurry to commit, through marriage, to the first woman you meet - - or even the second… or the fifth. Be discriminating, and make good choices. You have to keep reminding yourself that you’re not in America or Britain or Germany; you’re in the Philippines (RP), and there’s tens of thousands of women of all ages and sizes and levels of beauty just hoping you’ll glance their way and approach and talk to them. You may meet a few like Celine who are already taken, but one 90-degree turn and a few steps will lead you to yet another beautiful Filipina to talk to.
Whatever you do - don’t be a fool. Stay in charge. You’re the boss. Keep it that way. Either that or simply stay in America or wherever you are now, and let Linda Lou push you around and keep you begging for even more degradation.
It’s difficult to know in advance whether your Honey Ko is going to be a violent hot-head. If you find yourself involved with this type of overly-jealous woman, I recommend that you put a stop to it as soon as you make the realization . That kind of jealousy works to Honey Ko’s advantage, as she will, in effect, be controlling you, what you do, where you go, who you talk to, and so forth. If you know and choose to live with Honey Ko anyway, shame on you. You deserve what you're willing to accept.
If she tries to use anger and jealousy against you, you should respond by being a strict disciplinarian and train your wife to obey you instead of repeating the sins of your own previous training of servitude by Western women. I can state without reservation that you will regret allowing Honey Ko to express her jealousy and rage to you in private and, worse, in front of others in public.
You are either a leader or a follower. There’s no in-between.
One way you might learn about her level of anger and jealousy before you commit to living with your Honey Ko is to go out in public, like going ‘malling.’ You can let your eyes rove and make eye contact with other Filipina’s. This will happen anyway, as many Filipina’s will be ‘eyeing’ you. If you let your eye linger, your Honey Ko will most assuredly notice, just as she’ll notice the looks and smiles other Filipina’s give you.
If Honey Ko goes into a rage with you or attacks the Filipina that is smiling or just looking at you - or if she's attacked even though she's unaware you were looking at her - you should run, don’t walk, away from Honey Ko as quickly as you can. You don’t owe her anything (yet) and, again, she won’t be the only one who wants you.
In the west you may have to go begging for dates - you may even be turned down and be humiliated every single time - but in the Philippines you will have as many dates as you want or can handle. In the Philippines, you are an object of great desire. Once you truly understand that, and once you experience the culture of Filipina submission, you will never, ever want to be with an Americunt again.
Many Filipina’s would steal you away from Honey Ko in a New York minute if they could, and so a smile and letting her eye linger with yours is a good way of letting you know that she’s receptive to you. You should know by now that, in the Philippines you will be or are a highly valued commodity and you can have your choice of thousands of Filipina’s. So, sticking with the first Filipina you meet, and especially a jealous and angry one, is not only un-necessary, it's just plain crazy.
Having written that, here’s what happened to Celine two weeks ago:
Celine came home with a great story to tell me about her trip to the pelengke (open market) in San Jose barangay ( a sort of neighborhood or district) where she went to see her sister off. The bus terminal's also there. Going around alone isn’t often done. Being with or having a companion is a standard practice in the Philippines, so it’s natural that Celine would take her sister, Rebecca, to the terminal. Rebecca had to buy vegetables before she caught the bus, and Celine wanted to get some mangos.
While Celine was picking out mangos, an American man who always ogles Celine whenever he sees her in town, approached to talk to her. His opening line was to ask her if I was an American or a German. She had noticed him a number of times in the super-market, because her attention was captured when she heard the man’s wife always yelling at him when she'd catch him staring at Celine. At times, when he felt he was not being observed by me or his wife, the man would smile and even wink at Celine. He’s had a long-term hard-on for her. Sometimes the wife would approach Celine and demand that she stop flirting with her husband. Celine finds the mans personally repulsive and has told the wife so. But the wife just doesn’t listen; she’s too intent on feeding her jealousy.
Lots of men stare at Celine as she has one of the finest body shapes in all of Puerto; men are always staring at her, and she's always being approached by foreign men. In the last four weeks, Celine has been approached by five different American men offering her houses and cars and money if she would just become their woman, even though they know she’s with me. They don’t care. She only slaps them and tells them she’s married.
This time, however, the man actually talked to Celine while his wife had her back turned and was a few yards away, occupied with buying vegetables and fruits. Suddenly the woman appeared in front of Celine and viciously stomped her 3-inch high-heel onto Celine's toe. Celine reacted without thinking and forcefully shoved that woman hard with both hands. The wife fell backward and landed against the mango stall, which collapsed and spilled all of the mangos onto the ground. The woman was lying on the ground and Celine jumped on her, straddled the woman and clamped her own legs around the woman's legs to keep her from kicking. Then Celine grabbed two handfuls of the woman's hair and began smashing her head onto the ground, letting go with one hand occasionally to slap the woman's face. Celine even grabbed a smashed mango and was rubbing the woman's face with it.
The woman was screaming and blood was running from wounds on her head from Celine’s pounding it against the rocks on the ground. The husband took hold of Celine by her shoulders and tried to pull her off of his wife, but the woman screamed at him to "stop moving!" because every time he pulled, Celine just pulled the woman's hair all the harder. Celine turned her head and bit the man hard on his forearm, turned back and bit the woman on her shoulder.
The woman's sister saw what was happening and went to her sister's rescue. She ran over, knelt down and grabbed Celine by the hair. Celine, while pulling the wife’s hair, and biting the husband, pulled off her 2-inch heeled sandal and began beating the sister on the head and neck with it. All the worse for that sister, the rubber pad that covered the bottom of the heel came off and there was a small nail sticking out of it. Celine was beating that sister with that nail and blood was flying everywhere. Apparently Celine punctured the woman's aorta on her neck and blood was gushing out from the wound.
Eventually, two policemen ran up and pulled the man off of Celine, then the sister off of Celine, then Celine off of the wife. Celine jumped up, put her sandal back on then stomped her heel, with the nail protruding, hard onto the wife's toes. Then she turned and kicked the husband in the knee, While he was bent over, Celine slapped him hard on the face before the policeman could stop her. It turned out that the man's knee was already damaged from an earlier injury, and Celine really hurt him rather badly.
When it was over, the man, his wife and her sister all needed to go to the hospital to be treated. Both women were bleeding from head and neck injuries, and the man could barely walk.
And Celine? She didn't have a scratch on her, but her head was a little sore from having her hair pulled. One elbow and one knee was a little sore, but I couldn't see even redness on either. All I could find was some minor scratches on Celine's neck.
The police asked whose fault it was, and the wife said it was Celine's fault for flirting with her husband. But the stall owner and other witnesses said the husband approached Celine and that she acted as if she didn't want that man to bother her (which she didn't, and even refused to shake his hand). They all pointed to the wife as the attacker.
The police asked Celine if she wanted to press charges (make a case, in local parlance) against the trio. Celine declined, but requested that the police officially record the attack and give the trio a warning to leave her alone in future. If the woman ever bothers Celine again, she'll have her arrested.
The mango seller, on the other hand, was really pissed-off and not only wanted to be paid for her stall being broken and the loss of about one large basket of
mango's, but she wanted to 'make a case' against them.
The wife refused to pay when she was told the seller wanted P2500K (about $50) for the damage. So the police hauled-off husband, wife and sister to the police station to be charged by the accompanying stall-owner’s sister. The husband was really angry with his wife, as Celine overheard him say to his wife, "Look what you've done, you stupid woman. You know I'm having money troubles right now, and now I have to pay for all of this damage and the hospital bills, as well!"
He admitted to the police that the fault was his wife's, adding that she's an extremely jealous woman. He said she's even jealous of her sister when he talks to her. In my opinion, the fault is entirely his, however. He should slap the crap out of his wife - as per local culture - and make her behave. But apparently he's more of a woman (a girlie-girl, as the “Governator,” Arnold Swartzenegger, would say) than his wife, and lets his wife wear the pants in the family. If he's going to be a woman, he should stop looking at and flirting with Celine, and other's if there are others he does look at.
The by now large crowd was exclaiming about Celine: "Did you see what that skinny woman did to those three people? She has no muscles and she's so skinny, yet she beat all three of them and made them bleed. She's as strong as a horse! Rebecca, Celine's 15-year-old sister, who didn't help Celine because she's 5-months pregnant, told Celine that it looked like Celine had ten hands, all flying at once, and she was amazed to see Celine ripping the wife's hair while beating her head into the ground, biting the husband and beating the sister on the head with her sandal all at the same time. Laughing, Rebecca, told Celine, "That woman's face was completely yellow from you rubbing her face with that mango. It's lucky for her that you didn't push that big seed down her throat! How did you do all of that?" Celine couldn't explain because she didn't remember doing any of it.
I was aware of that man’s appreciation of Celine, as she’s pointed him out to me a few times at NCCC, the local (laff-laff) supermarket. I’ve heard his wife screaming at him, ridiculing and embarrassing him in public. He was always completely cowed by his wife. I didn’t go yell at him or threaten him for looking at Celine. One: he’s got good taste if he’s looking at Celine. What man wouldn’t? Two: he gets more than enough punishment already from his domineering wife. His wife had approached Celine and threatened her two times before when she noticed her husband ogling Celine. Celine was unaware that he had been looking at her.
He’s not the only one who looks at Celine. If I wanted to waste my time being jealous and start fights with all of the men who look at Celine, I’d have to make it a full-time occupation. I know I have nothing to worry about; Celine is strictly a one-man-woman, and she’s not interested in those men’s offers of cars and jewelry, etc. Material things just don’t interest her. She only wants a strong man who will be strict with her and love her. Lucky me.
This situation has occured at least six times before, that I’m aware of, by other women. Men are always looking at and admiring Celine. But here’s the very strange cultural kicker. The women almost never get angry with their husbands, but focus their rage on the other woman (Celine) – the opposite of Western women’s attitude. It doesn’t matter, as in the case of Celine, that it’s the man whose eyes are straying and roving up and down Celine’s body. It’s always the other woman’s fault, and an attack and fight can break-out with unannounced swiftness.
So, give some thought to that hot little Filipina you are with, and watch her carefully. Pay attention to her behavior. Make time and effort to ascertain whether she wants to be subservient and obedient to you, or whether she prefers instead to control you. Freely and easily expressed private or public anger and jealousy is an excellent indicator of her true nature.
And, most importantly, don’t be in a hurry to commit, through marriage, to the first woman you meet - - or even the second… or the fifth. Be discriminating, and make good choices. You have to keep reminding yourself that you’re not in America or Britain or Germany; you’re in the Philippines (RP), and there’s tens of thousands of women of all ages and sizes and levels of beauty just hoping you’ll glance their way and approach and talk to them. You may meet a few like Celine who are already taken, but one 90-degree turn and a few steps will lead you to yet another beautiful Filipina to talk to.
Whatever you do - don’t be a fool. Stay in charge. You’re the boss. Keep it that way. Either that or simply stay in America or wherever you are now, and let Linda Lou push you around and keep you begging for even more degradation.
Hi Rik,
I am happy to read your blog again and your honey ko, Celine is safe and happy!
Glad Celine did not get hurt.
John P
I found your site thru Roy Thomsitts site. Actually Roy and Mhe Ann are friends of mine. My wife and I are buying a property from Roy near Estrella Falls and will start a small resort there and farm part of it hopefully soon. My wife will be the one to get things started as I'm stuck in the states for another year and a half before I can join her there permanently. I enjoy your posts so please keep them up. I've read about the Filipinos running amok and not remembering it later, as they are taught to hold their feelings in so when they explode they really explode. I'm thinking it may be a long while before that lady steps on anyones toes again! Sounds like Celine opened a large can of Whoop Ass on her! Take care.
Whew! men might be scared to marry a Filipina after reading that!
I have been married to my wife from the Philippines for over thirty years now, and married life can be the best possible with a lady from the Philippines!
Careful who you pick, and life can be great for both!
lol, bashing on western women and treating Asian women as though they're dogs you can train. I smell a loser!
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